drank Eight at the Fort by Harney & Sons
1908 tasting notes

Yay, my Harney & Sons order arrived this morning! does a happy dance

This tea is smooth as silk without any bitterness, and yet the flavour is distinct and not at all weak. This is a tea with presence, it knows it doesn’t have to shout to be noticed.


My Harney & Sons order comes tomorrow. Will do my happy dance then! Didn’t pick this tea up though sadly.


We have Harney & Sons bagged variety here at college and it is TERRIBLE. I need to try some of their decent stuff apparently :)


@ Tea Cast I’ve never tried their bagged teas so I can’t hazard a guess on their quality, but I’ve loved all their loose-leaf stuff that I’ve tried.


@ Jennlea What teas did you get from them? I also ordered Winter White Earl Grey and Yancha Wuyi Oolong.


I’m ALWAYS interested in teas created for a reason/occasion. I just have to try them even if I doubt I’ll like them.

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My Harney & Sons order comes tomorrow. Will do my happy dance then! Didn’t pick this tea up though sadly.


We have Harney & Sons bagged variety here at college and it is TERRIBLE. I need to try some of their decent stuff apparently :)


@ Tea Cast I’ve never tried their bagged teas so I can’t hazard a guess on their quality, but I’ve loved all their loose-leaf stuff that I’ve tried.


@ Jennlea What teas did you get from them? I also ordered Winter White Earl Grey and Yancha Wuyi Oolong.


I’m ALWAYS interested in teas created for a reason/occasion. I just have to try them even if I doubt I’ll like them.

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I’m a university student in her twenties who’s currently working her way toward a Bachelor of Natural Resource Science degree. I love both science and science-fiction and I’m a history nut on top of that. Maybe I should just call myself a nerd and leave it there. ;)

I’ve been drinking tea since I was young but it’s only in the past couple years that I’ve become interested in the good-quality stuff.

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