Doulton, once again, thank you for this tea!!!!
I am completely enamored of this tea. I’m having it with milk and sugar, as the blurb on the Culinary Teas site suggests, and POW. Right through the heart. Love at first sip. It tastes like excellent tea and wine and incense in the best way possible. Faintest spiced wine and really good true tea. I finished my cup alarmingly fast, but the flavor is lingering in my mouth in the most pleasurable way. Mmmmm!
I am amazed that 4 oz of this tea only costs $8! This is one of those rich and unique ones that I was almost afraid to look up, because I thought it would surely be at least $20 for 4oz. I have an ounce of it, but it is sooooooo getting ordered when I’m nearly done! I’ve never perused the Culinary Teas website before and holy moly, they have so many teas that are attracting me – better to not look – I AM on a lockdown! :)
You can’t beat Culinary Teas’ inexpensive sample packets!