I was down at the Bleecker street Davids today, and my friend bought a cup of something. Today is my friends birthday, so we went down to The Village to get some lunch, and afterwards got some ABSAFUCKINLUTELY amazing hot chocolate at a place called Grom. After basically drinking melted chocolate, I kind of wanted something light. So I got a cup of this.
I haven’t had much of Davids Rooibos blends since I had Super Ginger and found the rooibos flavor rather weak. Therefore, I was a bit hesitant to try this, and was in fact gravitating towards Brazillionaire or Buttered Rum, two that I had tried before and like, but definitely not loved. I was very pleasantly surprised. I had this with agave, because, like, sweetness is good. Then I didn’t drink any until after I got out of the D train – the walk up sixth ave, from Bleecker to 8th, and then a 6 minute train ride, after saying goodbye to one of my friends. So I guess it was in there for about 20 minutes. When I finally took a sip on the walk to Grand Central Terminal, my first reaction was “oh wow.” Because it was strong and flavorful and wondrous, and I started kicking myself for not having tried it before. The lavender is present but not perfumey, and the berry-ish flavour really pops. The rooibos itself seems to be good quality and strong, something I love. I can’t wait to get some of this for my home!