So I made a big Adagio order back in December when I initially decided to get back into tea and, of course, shortly after I ordered from other vendors and now I don’t touch this stuff. I had a few portions that I’d separated out into baggies to take to work and they’ve just been sitting here, and this one has been making my drawer smell sweet for too long, so it’s time to drink these, but not without having some fun with it. All I really use at work is the gaiwan, so let’s give it a shot in that!
So, this tea has bits and pieces of stuff in it and smells very sweet. I’ve recently confirmed that I am definitely more partial to Japanese greens than Chinese, so the base of this tea is less on my preferred side but not bad. I let some of the leaves and stems from my kabusecha earlier stay in the gaiwan when I dumped it, because why not?
The liquor is fairly golden and smells…sweet. The added flavoring is very obvious. The taste is sweet and floral, which makes sense since it has flowers in it. I do a couple steeps of this but, eh, I don’t really feel the need to force myself to steep it much more. Fortunately some folks around me like this blend, so it won’t be going to waste.
Flavors: Artificial, Floral, Sweet