This is what I have when I go visit my family and forget to bring my own tea. It’s probably the best unflavored black tea available in their Kroger, but not so great compared to the excellent looseleafs out there. It’s not quite strong enough, and too tannic and astringent; for this reason, I recommend using an extra bag but a short (3 min max) steep time.
When I was a kid, the Boy-Scout-styled church group I was in used some little leather straps to hang award beads on, and at some point I wound up chewing on one. That’s sort of what’s going on with Black Pearl.
It’s real black tea and not leaf dust, so that’s good. However, where its flavor deviates from the norm it’s not really for the better, and it doesn’t have the robustness to cover it up. Black Pearl is not proper bad, just mediocre.