Sample thanks to Sil! I’ve delayed tasting some of the wonderful teas in Sil’s generous swap because the ideal time for me to try them (afternoon) is usually eaten up in caring duties. (I’ll go so far as to bring some tea with me, but nothing special or hard to obtain!) Today should have been a day I didn’t have to spend the afternoon there but ended up having to, so I decided to try one before going up – but one that Sil didn’t much like, so as not to waste it by rushing. There’s method to my apparent irrationality! I think?
Was a bit surprised this didn’t get boiling water, but followed the instructions, not expecting too much. And at first I thought the tea wasn’t good, but it grew on me as I sipped on (possibly as it cooled). The black base is quite nice, and the mango flavour is being held against Yumchaa’s Mango Sunrise and a mango tea I got around here, both of which are very superior mango teas indeed. Teajo website says it’s natural flavour, and I think the slightly artificial whiff I was getting at first was in fact the orange peel, which was giving a slightly bitter note. (Orange peel has its place, most definitely, but I don’t think this is it.) It’s not going to surpass either of my other mango teas (both greens, admittedly!), but I’m glad to have got to find that out, and will also try it cold. Thanks again to Sil for the chance to try it!
lol i love it “sil didn’t like it much so i’ll try that one”