I felt compelled to write a quick note on Cookie Dough after DavidsTea informed me that it would not be returning to their collection this year. Despite still owning a good 300g of the tea from stocking up over the summer, this distresses me a lot! It continues to be my favourite tea; one that I think anyone who is generally into creamy or nutty teas should try.
Cookie dough makes a wonderful latte. I make a pot of this using a generous amount of the dry leaf (not quite double the suggested amount, but close to it!) steeped at 100*C and then I add hot milk, or cream if I have it. I usually add a little brown sugar, although it is fairly sweet on its own. I leave it to steep for eight to ten minutes and drink it hot.
The flavour itself is not exactly reminiscent of chocolate chip cookie dough. The main notes I taste are sweet caramel and walnuts with chocolate and a little vanilla lingering pleasantly in the background. This tea is certainly cookie-like, but perhaps tastes more like if you removed the most of the chips from the dough and added chopped nuts. You don’t really taste the tea base; it almost reminds me of white hot chocolate.
I drink this stuff whenever I need to relax or feel better. My only complaint would be the huge pieces of walnut in this blend! I’ve noticed this in other teas as well. Why doesn’t DavidsTea just crush them up? But that isn’t my top priority. First, my favourite tea needs to get back on the shelves, please!