Yay, first note for this tea! I received a sample of this new Della Terra tea with my last order.
It has that characteristic generic chocolate-flavored-tea smell that has never before led me to a good flavor. Believe it or not, this tea did not taste as repulsive as I had expected. It’s no where near a “wow” in a cup, but it’s reasonably enjoyable. I’ve dumped all other chocolate based DT blends only a few sips in, but this one I can finish and without making faces.
The tea base comes through more than I expected, which is nice. The peanut butter notes are very faint and I might not have recognized them if I didn’t know they were supposed to be there. All of the sprinkle and candied bits dissolve and fall to the bottom, so it might be a good idea to stir this tea occasionally unless you want a surprisingly sweet finish.
Not a tea I’d buy again, but I’d be willing to drink it again.
this MIGHT be the kind of tea that i’d love. i keep hovering over the ‘buy’ button but damnit if i don’t still have a ton of swap teas to drink hah. i’m gonna earn this weird peanut butter tea if it kills me!