Wow, a month sense my last note! I’ve been drinking tea, but too busy to write anything.
Anyway, I thought I wrote a note about this a while back, but I don’t see it any more. :(
Well, I wasn’t very impressed when I first had this. I decided to make this iced today. Based on just the taste, I really like this. However, I KNOW that this is supposed to be oolong. I really can’t taste any tea in this. I wish this was just some sort of herbal tea. Then it could be cheaper and I would be happy with it. If that was the case, this would have a nice high rating. Unfortunately, it’s not holding up to what it claims to be. So it has to get a lower rating.
I will enjoy the rest of this as iced tea, but until it becomes an herbal blend, I doubt I will buy it again.