I went off my buying hiatus and placed an order with AQ2T after reading a bunch of good reviews here. My packaged arrived battered and with some sort of tire marks on it (thanks USPS) but all the tea was in there. I was a little disappointed to see the samples were packed in regular thin ziplocks, which makes me worry about the flavors merging from one tea to another or the tea picking up plastic bag notes, but I guess that means I’m going to have to try them all out pretty quick. All twenty of them.
First on the list is Pumpkin Chopotle Cream since it is late and this is a honeybush. I notice a super strong cinnamon scent when dry and steeped. The first couple sips seemed really light and hollow, but as I sip a little further the cinnamon comes out. I am mostly getting cinnamon. I * think * I am getting a little pumpkin in there, but it is hard to tell. I expected some heat from the chipotle, but I think the only heat I’m getting is from the cinnamon at the end. It is rather smooth which is nice and there is a little sweetness likely from the cinnamon as well. Adding cream doesn’t seem to change this much. I may be getting a slight dryness in my mouth after each sip that wasn’t there before. I’m not much into honeybush at this point, but I wanted to give this a go anyways. It mostly seems like a cinnamon tea, but maybe it will change a little with age in my cupboard.
Tyre marks?! That’s a new one
Yup. It looked like it may have been from a hand truck or something! Poor tea went through hell to get to me!
Wow. Poor tea indeed!