I received some of this from Chuckieroy in a trade that was far more generous on his end, so thank you to you sir! I would not have chosen this tea had I seen it for sale and I would have missed out on something good. I find candy sprinkles in my tea amusing yet foreign and distrustful, something that I am slowly overcoming. It’s really quite stuffy of me! The dry tea smells exactly like what I remember Mighty Leaf’s African Nectar smelling like; a tropical fruity rooibos. It also tastes like what I remember that tea tasting like and I loved that tea… until I tried it again recently and found it fell short of the nostalgic pedestal I had placed it on. This tea is what I wanted when I bought a box of that other tea recently and I’m guessing by the name that I’ll have to wait until next Halloween to get my hands on more. Just another reason for me to love Halloween I guess!