This was my afternoon tea (no confusion here – this is oolong).
Thanks yyz for sending a sample of this my way.
I like oolong, I like dark oolong, I normally like dancong – this one isn’t dark enough. I don’t think this is oxidized as much as the “dark” oolongs that I normally enjoy. This seems more like a medium oolong. For my tastes this is too green for me. It still has quite a bit of the floral notes of a green oolong, and that just doesn’t work for me.
This is probably a really high quality tea, but it’s not to my tastes. :((
I think your description of why you don’t like this one is exactly why I like Dancong so much but NOT darker oolongs, heh.
I think your description of why you don’t like this one is exactly why I like Dancong so much but NOT darker oolongs, heh.
LOL then this would probably work for you. We all have different tastes, and I agree if someone says why they don’t like it that might be exactly why it is the tea for you. :))