Hands down, this is my favourite rooibos dessert tea. So so much maple. Oh gawds, could I be any more of a Canadian? I freakin love maple, and this tea just completed that. Those little maple leaf candies….that’s kinda what I’m talking about when I say DT has some gimmicky teas. Still love it. Patriotism really only works for me when it’s goofy :P Also, I never thought to add steamed milk to a rooibos, but….it really works in this one. Some brown sugar really brings out the maple too. And on days I don’t work, I add a bit of maple whiskey. Heck yes. Great stuff. I was really sad to finish my little bag, but this will be a re-stock sometime in the future for sure ;D
205 °F / 96 °C
7 min, 0 sec