Tea provided by Teavivre for review
First steep had a delicate vegetal flavour, with some sweetness.
Second steep onward, a floral flavour gradually builds up and a bit of spice can be felt at the back of my throat.
Finishing off with the eighth steep, I thought about how well the tea flavour stayed consistent. The last cup didn’t seem too weak at all.
Overall I quite liked this Ali Shan. Perhaps not as flavourful as I’d expect, but still enjoyable. But I didn’t find it bland or uninteresting. Sometimes a tea will grab your attention as you drink it, or you’ll pick something that is so flavourful you don’t need to focus on it’s nuances. This isn’t that kind of tea for sure ;)
Steep parameters (as suggested by Teavivre)
85ml water in a gaiwan, sample (7g?), rinse and 8 steeps (25s, 25s, 30s, 40s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 180s)