This has become my unofficial evening “tea” of September. It works so well at knocking me out that I haven’t been able to write a proper note on it all month. I don’t know if I’m just a wimp or a wimp who falls for placebos every time. Eh. It works so I’m not too worried about it.
The main ingredients I can pick out are hibiscus, peppermint, and lemongrass; the chamomile component is weak tonight. I don’t know what Valerian root tastes like or if it brings anything to this cup except extra sleepiness.
Against my better judgment, this “everything” herbal is a simple win. I’m one of those strange alien lifeforms that actually enjoys hibiscus and really like it here. I think it’s more placated here than it normally is in other blends that toss it in haphazardly. The other ingredients smooth it out and it’s nice.
I nearly reached for this one as well, but was worried it would knock me out too quickly! I forgot there was hibiscus in there, but I really enjoy this blend. It’s just 100% relaxation.
Valerian tastes/smells like cheese and dirty socks. Umm. I took it every night for years to help me sleep, and I can’t stand it! One of the hikes I did this summer was lovely, except for the fields of valerian we hiked through.
Oh, wow. I’m so extremely grateful that I can’t taste that; everything else must do a good job at covering it up. You’d probably be able to pick out here if you were familiar with it though?
@Cavo, I can’t believe how potent this is. I wanted to try this after reading one of your notes a while ago actually, but I didn’t fully believe you at the time. :P It probably was a mistake for me to drink it so early too.
Hahaha. Well I don’t know if it’s all in my head as well too, but valerian root is supposed to be good at making you sleep, and I know that I chose this one when I want to sleep, so mentally I’m more prepared as well. It’s a keeper!
(though probably not a 100g tin keeper)
Yeah, I can totally smell it in the blend. :) Glad you smell it differently! Granted, an alcohol tincture is different from a tea, and the alcohol does not help the smell at all.
It is a really pretty flower, though.
I nearly reached for this one as well, but was worried it would knock me out too quickly! I forgot there was hibiscus in there, but I really enjoy this blend. It’s just 100% relaxation.
Valerian tastes/smells like cheese and dirty socks. Umm. I took it every night for years to help me sleep, and I can’t stand it! One of the hikes I did this summer was lovely, except for the fields of valerian we hiked through.
Oh, wow. I’m so extremely grateful that I can’t taste that; everything else must do a good job at covering it up. You’d probably be able to pick out here if you were familiar with it though?
@Cavo, I can’t believe how potent this is. I wanted to try this after reading one of your notes a while ago actually, but I didn’t fully believe you at the time. :P It probably was a mistake for me to drink it so early too.
Hahaha. Well I don’t know if it’s all in my head as well too, but valerian root is supposed to be good at making you sleep, and I know that I chose this one when I want to sleep, so mentally I’m more prepared as well. It’s a keeper!
(though probably not a 100g tin keeper)
Yeah, I can totally smell it in the blend. :) Glad you smell it differently! Granted, an alcohol tincture is different from a tea, and the alcohol does not help the smell at all.
It is a really pretty flower, though.
That’s too bad that the Valerian bothers you so much. :(
It is a pretty flower. Deceptive.
I can’t smell the valerian root in this at all, and I’m glad..I have supplements as well and they stink! I took a good stash of this with me when I moved to China and I’m so glad I did…I only drink it right before bed though!