I have a lot of these flowering teas; a whole sample bag full, actually. They boggle my mind a bit and I don’t really know how to describe them. Most seem to be gentle, floral, and jasmine infused, and that’s about it.
This one a bit different from those because the vegetal, grassy tea really comes through strong here. It’s not unpleasant or bitter, and couples nicely with the overall nuttiness of the cup. The smell is in-your-face cut grass but the whole thing still manages to taste delicate and light in it’s own way. It’s a little astringent in a drying way.
The instructions for most of these flowering teas say to pour boiling water on the ball to let it unfurl, but once it’s done that I think it’s best to treat it like a typical green if your attempting a second steep. These guys seem to be two-faced between drooping petals and razor talons.