Since it’s finally snowed in my area for the first time this winter I felt there was to be no better opportunity than to bust out this Chai, which I received as a sampler packet in my latest order from DAVIDs.
Upon opening the packet I was greeted with a highly pleasurable chocolate smell, with a small hint of the red chilis. This carries over to the finished steeped product, where the chocolate remains the most upfront characteristic. As the sip finishes you can detect the chilis and black tea trailing after the chocolate, but the chili flavor is very subtle and does not bring a ton of heat as many fans of the Scoville Scale might have been hoping for.
While not as spicy as other Chais it is most delicious and a warming alternative to hot chocolate on bitterly cold days. May try brewing directly in carefully prepared milk as I’ve done with some other Chais to see what, if anything, it does for the flavor.