So I was talking with Lariel about biluochun earlier, and I remarked that I’ve never actually had the green variety. So tonight when I felt like a green, I pulled out this sample that I got free when I ordered their Laoshan Black Chocolate Genmaicha. The leaves are dark, almost evergreen, and they’re quite thin and twisted. They’re not really very snail-shaped at all, though some of them are slightly curled. Dry scent is sweet and mildly vegetal with a bit of hay aroma. I was unsure how to steep this, so I just did the same thing I would do with sencha, 1 minute at 175 degrees.
The brewed aroma is sweet with mild spinach and butternut squash scents. Wow, I think this is the best green tea I have ever had… It’s so amazingly smooth and creamy in texture, with a lovely butteriness that coats the tongue. It tastes like pure sweet and creamy butternut squash. And just when I thought this tea couldn’t get better, there’s this amazing and light sweetness that creeps up at the back of my mouth and throat at the end of the sip. It reminds me of the nectar of a honeysuckle flower – a clear, dewy sweetness with a hint of floral. Delicious!
Flavors: Butter, Butternut Squash, Creamy, Honeysuckle, Sweet, Vegetal
Stephanie, I’ve had the Spring and Autumn harvest of the regular Laoshan Green, but this is in a whole other league. :D
I loooove Laoshan greens :)
Yay! I’m a tea influence.
Stephanie, I’ve had the Spring and Autumn harvest of the regular Laoshan Green, but this is in a whole other league. :D
try a normal, non Laoshan Biluochun as well. Biluochun seems to vary a lot based on where it was grown