Day 86 of my 101 days of DAVIDsTEA.
3tsp in my 2-cupper.
First cup, brewed just over the suggested minimal steep and drank clear, was too strong in the flavour to the point where it wasn’t as pallatable as I’d like. Cut with milk and with sugar added, however, and the good points of the flavour were able to come through. Not bad in the end, when served with milk and sugar, but that first cup ruined it for me, I must say.
I might re-try this, keeping the milk-and-sugar knownedge in mind and seeing how it tastes then so I can better understand how the tea tastes when done in a way that compliments it, but my idea of a good cuppa is still one that is great with or without additives. So, this is not amongst my best teas ever, I’m afraid.