drank Grape Expectations by DAVIDsTEA
52 tasting notes

Oh, this smells SO good…both dry and after steeping. I’ve been wafting it across the table at my kid for the past 5 minutes in anticipation of it cooling enough to take a sip.

I may have steeped it a bit long – not nearly the 4-5 min on the label – because it came across very bitter on the back-end of each sip. I’m willing to attribute this to human error and not rate it…since where it stands now it’s going to get fed to the sink.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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Self-employed, sleep deprived and always on the go.

Trying to cut down on caffeine – trying being the operative word – but I’m generally an Earl Grey drinker with a strong aversion to coconut, jasmine and chocolate in my tea.

I brew almost exclusively Western style, unsweetened.
Rating Scale

90-100: Cupboard staple – will buy when I run out

75-90: I’ll drink what I have, may restock when out

55-75: I’ll drink it, but probably won’t buy it

0-55: Might finish it, might feed it to the sink
If you see something in my cupboard and want to try it, hit me up – I’m always down to sell/trade samples


Indiana, US

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