I steeped this at 180f for 3 mins.
I regard Adagio as my new ‘go to’ store as a newbie – they have never upsold me and their teas have all been very drinkable – this was no exception.
A very smooth tea, with no bitter aftertaste, almost to the extent that I was thinking it would have been a little bland were it not for the citrus taste to it. It is very fragrant, I was worried it would taste a little bit like ‘lemsip’ (UK based cold and flu sufferers will get the reference), but actually I was getting more orange than grapefruit in the brew – I believe there is orange peel on the label.
Very nice clean aftertaste, my breath even felt fresh – none of that vile coffee breath.
3 good steeps from the leaves. This is the most I have ever done, and I didn’t notice any diminution in taste or aroma.
In conclusion, would buy again! A palpable hit!