This smells incredible – lots of really juicy, fresh peach and lychee. The dry leaf is also very pretty, with lots of different tea leaf colours and shapes and an assortment of fruits.
Steeped 2tsp for 2 min in 80C water. This is quite sweet and has a fairly natural peach flavour to it, though not quite as fresh and juicy as the dry leaf fragrance. There’s a bit of lychee, apricot and currant, though they’re subtle next to the peach.
The base tea is there but not distinctive, which is a little unfortunate, since there’s such an interesting blend of green and white teas in this. Maybe a touch of hay and vegetal. I can tell that there’s white tea, but that’s about it.
Overall a very tasty cup. I think I’m hard to please when it comes to peach teas, but I also feel like that’s okay :P
Flavors: Apricot, Black Currant, Hay, Lychee, Peach, Sweet, Tart, Vegetal