Another Demmer’s new addition to the cupboard. I had a whiff of this one in the shop and thought it rich without being cloying. The dry leaf is dark, so I’m expecting there to be a balance between almond and the flavor of the tea. The aroma of the steeped tea is characteristic of almond flavoring, but it has an additional fruity component to it.
The flavor after four minutes is medium strong; there is light astringency and I can definitely taste the black tea base playing nicely with the almond. For me, this type of tea is much more enjoyable with cream and sugar, so after a few sips of it straight, it’s off into the land of milky sweetened almond tea for me. Mmmm, that definitely brings out the dessert-like quality of the almond flavor and makes it feel like a much more decadent drink. I’m having it in the morning but think it would also be an excellent substitute for a post-lunch dessert. Yummy indeed.