drank Roasted Chestnut Chai by 52teas
314 tasting notes

The 12th Tea of Christmas!

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, and to those who do not, Happy Holidays! I wish everyone a very happy & healthy new year!

So, this tea! Today, I brewed it a little strong so that I could go latte with it, because I was in the mood for something creamy. I really enjoy this chai, there is a rich, roasted chestnut flavor (thanks not only to the vegan & nut-free chestnut flavor but also the touch of Lapsang Souchong in the blend) & a really nice blend of warm spices. The black tea blend is rich & flavorful even though it’s a latte.

This one makes a really nice latte, I do recommend brewing it strong though (using extra leaf to do so rather than steeping it longer) so that the flavors are not masked by the presence of the dairy.

The 12 Teas countdown is over, but tomorrow, I think I’ll start counting down the 10 teas to getting caught up! :)

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Full Disclosure: The individual operating this UserID is the Mad Tea Artist who creates these blends every week. I’m aka LiberTEAS. I took over the 52Teas brand from Frank of Southern Boy Teas. I’m keeping both accounts active at the present time because I still have some tea reviews to post and I didn’t think that I should do that as 52Teas!


Vancouver, Washington



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