Brendan! BRENDAN! YOU MUST MAKE THIS TEA ALWAYS! Please never discontinue it! This tea is AMAZEBALLS. It is currently out of stock, so I HOPE (beg) Brendan to restock it!
I am going to make a bold statement. I think this might be the best tea non-dessert tea I have ever tried. I will add the disclaimer that I am still a Noob to the world of loose tea (I have only been drinking loose tea for two months) but in my quest to find a good breakfast tea, this is definitely the winner. Hands down.
This would, for sure, be a tea i took with me to a desert island.
I am on my second steep and it is just as flavorful as the first. The tasting note from Whispering Pines suggests that you could get up to 8 resteeps out of this. I love it so much, I might just try it. If I do I will come back and edit my note.
√ Back in stock
√ Never Discontinue Golden Orchid
√ Stop drinking my personal stock and save some for the people of Steepster
So happy to see you discovering straight teas and their wonderfulness :)
√ Back in stock
√ Never Discontinue Golden Orchid
√ Stop drinking my personal stock and save some for the people of Steepster
Yay for it being back in stock! I just placed an order! Yum.
This was on my list to try and now it’s even more on my list to try!