Yay! Sil you are awesome!
I just got home from Tony’s. Gotta get ready for a wedding reception this evening, & there was a surprise present from Sil, Yay!
This is not my first cup of the day.
Before I drank this I had some of the 2nd flush Assam from Zen Tea that Cavocorax sent to me, but I didn’t log it because I didn’t see a page for it. Is it the Assam Mangalam Cavo?
I also had a cup of Ahmad’s English Breakfast, because Tony has some there & I figure I should drink a cup once in awhile until it’s gone.
I also drank a cup of Bilbo Brew while I was watching the St. Louis Cardinals kick the San Fran Giants’ butts! YEAH!
Then I came home to find Sil’s parcel & immediately made a cup of the Brahmin, which I wanted to try. It’s quite bold! Very full & flavorful, a little sharp around the edges, somewhat astringent, but good. I feel that it also packs a pretty good punch, as my energy field is quite lit up now. Time to load up & go play some music for the masses!