“I’ve had this timer for 5 years now and it’s still hobbling along! It has been my go do timer the whole time I’ve owned it. The buttons got easier to use and less sticky. One of the times I...” Read full review
At The Republic of Tea we believe that the correct steeping time is essential for the perfect cuppa. Our exclusive timer features five preset steeping times based on the tea varietals of white, green, black, oolong and red/herbal teas.
Store the timer on your favorite tin of tea. Timer also features built in magnet for storage on your refrigerator and includes two AAA batteries.
The Republic of Tea is a progressive and socially conscious business recognized for being the leading purveyor of more than 200 premium teas and herbs, ready-to-drink iced teas and more. Founded in 1992, The Republic of Tea sparked a tea revolution in America with the purpose of enriching people’s lives through the experience of premium teas and a Sip by Sip Rather Than Gulp by Gulp lifestyle.