Hongxin Tie Guan Yin 2017 No.520

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Almond, Bread, Coffee, Floral, Graham Cracker, Hazelnut, Nuts, Smooth
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From Zhao Zhou

Hongxin Tie Guan Yin, literally Red Heart Iron Godess of Mercy, is a medium-roasted oolong from Anxi province, China.

During our trip to China we learnt that the well-known green Tie Guan Yin gained its popularity only in the past few decades with the enhanced interest in unoxidised green teas. Traditionally, Tie Guan Yin is lightly baked so that the raw green taste smoothens a bit thus giving a tea a milder, more relaxed character. A friend of ours, from whom we bought this tea, have recently decided to bake his Tie Guan Yins. He is a real expert in tea-baking, he can really find the best degree for the tea.

After a few infusions, the tea’s initial baked, coffee-like character turns into a green, slightly sour taste that much resembles to those of the green Tie Guan Yin’s. A nice and light-some tea that gently warms you up.

Preparing Instructions:

Quantity: 5-6 gramm per 180ml.
Water temperature: 95ºC. From fresh spring water or filtered water.
Brewing time: 6-5…seconds
Infusions: 6-8

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1 Tasting Note

1733 tasting notes

I have not had a Tie Guan Yin that’s impressed for a while. The medium roasted Tie Guan Yin’s used to be my favorite, starting with Rishi’s version of the tea. It was like drinking liquid graham crackers. Since then, Tie Guan Yins have been two dimensional; they are either vegetal, nuclearly floral, or plain toasty. When I read the description for this one and the Yesheng, however, I got a sense of renewed hope.

Surprisingly, this tea was one of my top five of the sampler. Immensely nutty like almond, cashew, and hazelnut, this one was a little bit more complex than I anticipated. The first few steeps were indeed “coffee-like” with the same kind of toffee finish you get in some coffees with creamer or savory like the graham cracker note I imagine, but immensely nutty while slightly floral. The middle brews shifted to something that reminded me of macademia, while the overall tea maintained its baked character. Later steeps were indeed vegetal and floral like a greener tieguanyin, but still ever so slightly baked.

I got ten cups out of this one, and I was impressed with it. I’d be interested to see people with a more straightforward vocabulary break it down to what this tea is, and I’d also be interested in what someone who is more tacit or even flareful might describe it. This was an interesting tea overall.

Flavors: Almond, Bread, Coffee, Floral, Graham Cracker, Hazelnut, Nuts, Smooth

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