I have been drinking my matcha in a little soup bowl for years now. It is okay, but one who loves tea just needs teaware, right?
For years I admired the Zen Brush bowl at Zen Tea Life, but when I finally decided to bite the bullet and ask for one for Christmas they had stopped carrying the dark blue one and had a brown one. They had this lovely Aurora bowl in blue, though! Yes!
I love using it! I have had matcha every day. The depth is great for whisking. Also, you can swirl your tea so the particles don’t settle and it is deep enough that it doesn’t slosh over. I love the scalloped, wavy lip so you can pick your most comfortable spot to sip. It is very pretty and when it is wet from washing, the lighter blue shades almost sparkle.
So, one can use it directly for drinking? Yay! It sounds like the perfect thing.
I panicked when I read your comment. I wondered if maybe you were not supposed to drink from the bowl. I wouldn’t know as I have never seen anyone use one and I just assumed. So I googled it and indeed, it looks like one IS supposed to drink from the bowl! :)
Oh, no, no judgement on my part. I just wasn’t aware that that was what people do. And now I am, so thank you.
I have the tea and I have the bowl, but I have yet to unpack things. (Not from Zen.)
I think you’re supposed to drink from the bowl because it helps you smell the tea? At least I remember reading that somewhere.
Evol Ving Ness – I am glad you said something so I don’t make a fool of myself! However, when we were tasting some new matcha, I did froth it in the big bowl and then dip in my tiny tasting cups and pass around sips for everyone. Matcha is too expensive to make a whole bowl per person just for testing purposes, and I am a big believer in repurposing and multipurposing!
I have an identical one that I got off ebay, but mine is white with small crackles. I agree that it functions very well!