Organic Karigane Gyokuro

A Green Tea from


76 / 100

Calculated from 1 Rating
Tea type
Green Tea
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Alcohol, Bitter, Bok Choy, Broth, Celery, Chicken Soup, Cookie, Fennel, Flowers, Grass, Milk, Nutty, Raisins, Sweet, Umami
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Loose Leaf
Not available
Typical Preparation
Use 7 oz / 200 ml of water
Use 6 g of tea
Steep for 1 min, 0 sec
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1 Tasting Note View all

“This karigane is nice, although fairly basic and doesn’t stand out all that much. Dry leaves are in fact very fragrant with a brothy, nutty and a touch grassy smell. There are notes of sake, some...” Read full tasting note


Rare Organic Karigane Gyokuro coming from Kagoshima that is made from the stem and leaf material that is sorted out when making the other Organic Gyokuro that we offer from Kagoshima. It offers a fairly unique sweet taste and aroma due to the inclusion of the stems. An easy to brew green tea and easy to enjoy.

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