“This also makes a tasty cold brew. I used 1 sachet in 500mL for 8 hours but that could probably be decreased a few hours. The resulting tea was thicker and tasted grassier, less tart and a little...” Read full tasting note
“Summer Vacation! This is a whole leaf tea that is sold in sachets that I picked up from Yunomi, and my prediction was correct; I left myself even less time this morning than before, mainly on...” Read full tasting note
“Okay to start with I normally dont drink tea bags, but this was interesting enough that I decided to make an exception and Im very glad I did. I brewed it exactly according to instructions with 200...” Read full tasting note
Sobacha green tea using green tea grown in Shimada, Shizuoka prefecture and Soba grown in Kunisaki Peninsula, Oita Prefecture.
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