“sort of grassy, and color is really beautiful” Read full tasting note
“Exemplary, requisite caramel, malt and throw in some dried blueberry and clove. A real gentle sweetness that last throughout the gong fu session and absolutely no bitterness or astringency. Leaf...” Read full tasting note
“Jinjunmei Tong Mu Guan. Tea is really outstanding, sweet, very sweet and subtle with no bitter. Wet leaves has a deep caramel aroma. So tiny and uniform leaves shows it high standard. Steeped 12th...” Read full tasting note
Locaiton: Tong mu guan桐木关
Harvest time : 2017.4.23th
Cultivar: Wuyi qizhong (武夷奇种)
Feature: Fresh ,Deep ,Sweet
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