Green Tea with wild berries and Passion Fruit

Tea type
Fruit Green Blend
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Edit tea info Last updated by tea-sipper
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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5 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This just tasted sort of generically fruity/berry-ish today. Lots of hibiscus. I’m not sensing any passionfruit flavor at all. The underlying green tea is grassy and a bit dry – neither terrible...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another tea bag sip down though I have many more to do, I intended to sample them all day but I have an urge to break out my cat kyusu and have some Sencha. For now at least I can have green tea,...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is good! The main taste and scent here is passionfruit, despite the awesome list of ingredients. A lot of the flavors aren’t very noticeable. But the passionfruit is great. It would make a...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea has a pleasant smell and taste. No doubt, this would probably make an excellent iced tea. The green tea in this is almost indistinguishable from the flavors of the berries and passion...” Read full tasting note

From Wissotzky Tea

The wild fruits give the tea a pleasant and unique sweetness. Passion fruit is known for promoting a relaxing sleep and for imparting a pleasant feeling throughout the day.

Ingredients: chinese green tea, hibiscus, rosehip, salka, blueberries, black currant, raspberry, woodberry, strawberry and passionfruit flavors. Kosher.

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5 Tasting Notes

1305 tasting notes

This just tasted sort of generically fruity/berry-ish today. Lots of hibiscus. I’m not sensing any passionfruit flavor at all. The underlying green tea is grassy and a bit dry – neither terrible nor astounding. Overall, this has too much hibiscus for my taste right now. Also, ssssipdown!

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1379 tasting notes

Another tea bag sip down though I have many more to do, I intended to sample them all day but I have an urge to break out my cat kyusu and have some Sencha. For now at least I can have green tea, little compromise.

The tea soup is dark red brown in colour with a sweet fruit scent, berry like but not specific. It is sweet and rather artificial but not too bad.

Flavour is mild yet sweet with a rich berry zing. A little sour but the sweetness counteracts that for the most part and though I can’t taste passionfruit per say it’s at least generically fruity non the less. I can’t taste any green tea at all yet I like that this contains some. It sort of tastes like warm summer berry cordial but not quite as sweet.

It’s an alright tea for a pre bag, I would have it again but wouldn’t buy it in.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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4331 tasting notes

This is good! The main taste and scent here is passionfruit, despite the awesome list of ingredients. A lot of the flavors aren’t very noticeable. But the passionfruit is great. It would make a perfect iced tea.

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15 tasting notes

This tea has a pleasant smell and taste. No doubt, this would probably make an excellent iced tea. The green tea in this is almost indistinguishable from the flavors of the berries and passion fruit. The passion fruit gives this a lovely taste and smell. There is also, despite not being present in the tea’s ingredients, a slight guava taste.

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