Took advantage of a lunch hour earlier this week to brown through the latest issue of Eighty Degrees magazine with a session. Since there’s a lovely photo gallery of everyone’s tea space in this issue it only felt right to sit down with some delicious tea in my own personal tea space & area of calm. This hong cha is also very lovely! It’s just so sweet and syrupy with a delicious bouquet of overripe red fruit and amber honey notes in the early infusions moving into a slightly more malty flavour in the late session with a bit less overt fruitiness. There’s also just a very unique note of carob all throughout the session, which I cannot get enough of!
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca8GctvOOck/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttyuyis9p60&ab_channel=DavidDeanBurkhart