I’ve only brewed up this sheng a few times, but I’ve really enjoyed every past session. It’s very, very thick and syrupy with a lot of upfront honeycomb sweetness and some pops of anise or fennel. That sort of coating, denser, and licorice-like sweetness. Very cooling and pulpy undertones and finish though with vegetal and snappy notes of cucamelon, garden peas, and hints of other more resinous and woodsy herbs. Frankly, I just adore that smashed together combination of crisp, cooling veggies with the sort of pine sap herbaceous. I’m trying hard not to buy too many pu’erh cakes this year as I already have so many to drink through, but I’ve had enough stellar sessions of this tea to really consider it…
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/DAdvUHkuCG2/?img_index=1
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NBRBJW3BwY