I took some random ingredients and threw them together — rosemary…rose hips…chamomile…and peppermint.
I stirred them up, expecting to smell a floral-herbally-minty smell. What happened next threw me for the biggest loop ever.
sniff … WOAH. No. sniff again … confused face, sniff again … “This smells like chocolate.”
So I consulted a chocolate bar about it. They smelled very similar.
I asked my mother what she smelled… “Andes mint chocolates.”
I asked my dad… “Mint chocolate chip ice cream.”
Right now I am VERY confused, but I don’t care because it’s lovely!
Brewed, it loses the chocolate smell and is a very relaxing cup with JUST the right amount of mint.
If you focus reallllly hard, you get hints of chocolate, too!
How or why this smells so heavenly chocolate-mint-like – I do not know.
If you think you know why, PLEASE contact me — I would LOVE to figure this thing out.
Until then, enjoy it, it’s here to stay!
The Perfect Cup:
8 oz of boiling filtered water
1 tablespoon of tea
Steeped for 5-8 minutes.
Ingredients: Rosemary, Rose Hips, Chamomile, Peppermint