Indonesia Harendong Green Oolong Tea

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Floral, Fruity, Smooth, Sweet, White Grapes, Citrus, Flowers, Lemon, Tart, Tobacco
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160 °F / 71 °C 5 min, 15 sec 5 g 217 oz / 6415 ml

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7 Tasting Notes

42 tasting notes

I recall this oolong was a bit too much on the green side for me when brewed hot. I’ve just cold brewed the remaining half of my sample and it was very nice and refreshing. It’s been left sweet and floral and removed a lot of the green-ness.

Iced 8 min or more 5 g 34 OZ / 1000 ML

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1 tasting notes

the best tea from Indonesia because very delicious and can try at office or home..

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1733 tasting notes

So happy that my What-Cha order is here!

Well, this would be a decent daily drinker. Very floral. Imagine the mega floral profile of a Tie Guan Yin with the bitter after taste of green tea. I’m also getting the lemon in the aftertaste that another review described. The body is interesting because it is very, very watery. Like a water chestnut.

My only complaint that it was not as sweet as I thought it was going to be. It’s still good, and could make a good blend. I would recommend a try of this for sure, but Alistair has some better options of the many he offers.


Daylon, I’m really intrigued by some of the teas coming out of Indonesia these days. I have one from Tealyra that I have yet to break open. I may have to pick up this one too.


Yeah, I had an indonesian oolong from what-cha the other day and while it wasnt as good as other more expensive oolongs, it certainly was not a rubbish one at all! And it was cheap compared

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538 tasting notes

Sipdown. I really like this tea, but I’m out. Another one I took to work and finished sometime this year

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15 tasting notes

When opening the pack, the tea smelled incredibly sweet and flowery. I brewed it for 2 minutes and added another 20 seconds for my taste. I added half a teaspoon of sugar, tasted, added a quarter of a teaspoon more.

I could taste refreshing citrus and it was a little bit floral. The website describes the texture as ‘creamy’ and I certainly agree. I couldn’t really taste much else, maybe because I’ve just woken up. The finish and aftertaste of this tea is what made me so unsure, it left my mouth tasting like I had just sucked on a cheap lemon cough sweet. I usually get this with over-brewed green teas, however I stuck to the 2-3 minutes it said on the packet. My second steeping will give me a better idea of my opinion.

Second steeping: I was looking forward to the second steeping and monitored the time very closely. I steeped for 2 minutes, the minimum that was recommended. It still tasted very bitter, so I steeped for an extra 10 seconds which made the bitterness stronger. It was disappointing as I love the actual taste of the tea but the finish and aftertaste pretty much ruin it for me.

However, I’m really new to tea tasting so my review should be taken with a very large pinch of salt.

Flavors: Citrus, Flowers, Lemon, Tart, Tobacco

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 400 OZ / 11829 ML

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