From Daylon R Thomas a while ago! Thanks very much! Impossible to measure these leaves unless using a scale. Once in a while, I seem to say “these are the longest leaves I have ever seen”, but these must be the longest! Not so much twisted together, as almost straightened somehow, but still very difficult even to POUR out of the skinny bag. I was pleased to notice the description says: “Our Cang Ya is tightly twisted into a strip shape.” So there you go. The dry leaf has a scent of summer squash and dried hay. The flavor is also summer squash! But also a sweet fruit candy flavor that I thought might be strawberry, but then settled on candy grape. The second steep is rich but not overdone or bitter. Biscuity. I really expected the flavor to be much lighter on this one, so I’m very happy with how this one resulted! (I’m really not describing the richer flavors here, but there are some.)
Steep #1 // 22 minutes after boiling // 1 1/2 – 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 3 min
Flavors: Biscuit, Grapes, Hay, Squash
This sounds like the kind of tea I would swap somebody and package each leaf individually for a prank.
Hah, well the leaves are certainly big enough for that!
I had a hard time packing that one back and just kept the boxes when I sent it. I personally thought the tea was actually too strong for me despite having sweeter profiles. It had an almost jammy malt to me that was a little over powering when I had it.
Oh “jammy malt” is exactly my jam! (sorry) But when I was sipping this, I definitely thought you sent it because you found it too strong. I don’t think any tea could be too strong for me. :D
Did you have enough left for Eclipse Day? Couldn’t be a more perfect name :) We were in the 90% zone. Pretty interesting viewing!
Good catch, gmathis! I was thinking about which teas I should have had for the eclipse after the fact. And here was the perfect tea right in my hands five days ago! darn. The eclipse was amazing. I thought it was the perfect time to do yard work while I waited for it. Then I was waiting for the lights to turn back on. :D
Cool. We got 98% totality in Michigan.