I took the little bit of this out of the HH teabox! These teabags you can fill are so handy for rooibos blends. Much more enjoyable for me when I don’t have a billion wood chips sitting on my throat. I’m glad I bought two boxes of 100 from Red Leaf (two different sizes – but I think the big ones are easier to fill.. even with rooibos it is tough to fill the smaller ones). But I might drink so much more rooibos because of these teabags that I will go through these filter bags fast.
Anyway, this tea is lovely! A nice candy like strawberry flavor… I’m confused by the description mentioning three fruits… and none of them are at all like strawberry. I swear it’s strawberry! The rooibos is a great base for it. Nice!
Also, I should mention I’m such a Steepster geek that I can’t wait until I have time to add all the teas to my cupboard that I acquired from these tea boxes (and also remove the teas from my cupboard that I put in tea boxes!)
What tea bags where? I’ve been away for a while and I haven’t caught up yet.
Welcome back! These teabags: http://www.redleaftea.com/teaware/t-sac-tea-filters.html