Samurai Travelling Tea Box – Tea #49
So unfortunately due to all of the site issues, I’ve wound up with the box a little bit longer than I had planned to have it. I have one more tasting note to write after this one and then I will have tried and written about everything that I pulled from the box for myself. I’ve got a few teas to add in, but then I’m ready to pass it along if I can reach Arby for an address…
Anyway, I had this one a while back in the evening and I really enjoyed it. I even debated pulling the remainder of it from the box for myself, but upon some deeper reflection I realized that I have a lot of straight white tea to sip through already and white tea is a bit of a pain to store because of how fluffy it is so I left it in the box.
What I enjoyed about it so much though was how smooth and creamy it tasted! It had that lovely soft timothy hay and cucumber skin combination that I adore so much in white teas coupled with this fresh cream flavour that just makes my palate sing when I taste it. So easy to sip back, and impressive given the age of the tea.