Vanilla Orange Rooibos

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
Bergamot, Cinnamon, Rooibos, Vanilla Bean, Vanilla Extract
Rooibos, Vanilla, Wood
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Caffeine Free
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Edit tea info Last updated by Dinosara
Average preparation
Boiling 2 min, 15 sec 16 oz / 473 ml

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9 Tasting Notes View all

  • “From the reddit travelling teabox I’m trying this despite it sounding like a blend I would not like as me and red rooibos don’t get along. Actually, not bad – the spice, all big chunks of cinnamon,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Oops, another tea I am at the end of and haven’t written a note on! Well it was a tasty enough tea to finish relatively quickly haha so that says something! :D I believe this is the second rooibos...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you for sending this to me, MissLena! I was really worried that this got contaminated at first. What’s up with the spiciness? I was expecting creamy orange! Instead, the dry leaf smells...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another one from tonight… i give up on this blend. I know it has blergamot in it, but to be honest, i can’t even taste it. It’s mostly just sticks to me…there is no vanilla, no orange just woodsy...” Read full tasting note

From Verdant Tea (Special)

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9 Tasting Notes

1271 tasting notes

From the reddit travelling teabox

I’m trying this despite it sounding like a blend I would not like as me and red rooibos don’t get along. Actually, not bad – the spice, all big chunks of cinnamon, is a great level that keeps me sipping. Kind of sweet and vanilla smooth, bit of rooibosy. Not watery. I don’t really get much orange flavor though.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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1186 tasting notes

Oops, another tea I am at the end of and haven’t written a note on! Well it was a tasty enough tea to finish relatively quickly haha so that says something! :D I believe this is the second rooibos that Verdant did, the Rooibos Tulsi is still my favorite of the two (possibly my favorite of all time) but this one was okay as well.

Usual steeping parameters were 1-2 minutes with boiling water. This blend is mostly cinnamon and rooibos to me, not much in the way of vanilla or orange, maybe they add to the richness of the blend. However I did find the rooibos a bit more woodsy and strong that I usually like, but at least it’s not a terrible flavor. The cinnamon and orange probably add to the warming qualities of this blend, as it really is a warm, cozy tea, a bit spicy and very comforting. There is a bit of creaminess present too.

Overall, a tasty little tea, although quite heavy on the rooibos flavor. Warm and comforting though, perfect for sipping while I watch the 5th Harry Potter movie for about the millionth time. :D it’s on TV tonight haha.

Flavors: Rooibos, Vanilla, Wood

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1307 tasting notes

Thank you for sending this to me, MissLena!

I was really worried that this got contaminated at first. What’s up with the spiciness? I was expecting creamy orange! Instead, the dry leaf smells overwhelmingly of cinnamon and, weirdly, clove. There’s a touch of vanilla at the end of the sniff. The brewed tea has a more balanced smell – equal parts cinnamon, vanilla, and orange.

The taste is sharp cinnamon and woody rooibos with a tart aftertaste. It actually reminds more of a chai than any kind of creamsicle. There is a nice sweetness that comes out at the bottom of the cup. If the whole brew tasted like this, I’d probably be a bigger fan.



Haha I just saw this note now! I don’t think it was contaminated, the whole bag was more cinnamon and rooibos than anything else to me, and spicy too. I too wish there was a creamsicle flavor, but none to be found, I could barely get any orange out of any cup

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15575 tasting notes

Another one from tonight… i give up on this blend. I know it has blergamot in it, but to be honest, i can’t even taste it. It’s mostly just sticks to me…there is no vanilla, no orange just woodsy rooibos flavour. I’m passing this on to terri to see if she can get more out of it…just in case. Besides, she too must try all the teas! lol

Final Count: 131


Sounds awful :/


if you’re a beaver…maybe not :)




Hate when that happens.


I am not a beaver :)

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806 tasting notes

Eeek! I’m on my last cup and I’m sad to see this one go as it was such a yummy sample!

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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117 tasting notes

Wow, I guess I’m adding the first tasting note? I am so not worthy of this honor. Or, rather, my badly written note is not. >.<

Got the box today, and I’m drinking this one because it’s caffeine free and I’m sleeeepy. I’m definitely getting orange creamsicle from this, except without the artificial weirdness (tasty weirdness, but weirdness) of the (cheap, supermarket brand) orange creamsicles I usually consume. I might have expected it to taste a little more like an earl grey, given the bergamot, but I g uess it doesn’t. And that’s cool. And I’m only getting a little bit of that weird mold note that I get from rooibos, so yay!

… maybe I’ll be more coherent next time I drink this. I definitely wouldn’t bet on it though.


sounds yummy though.

Autistic Goblin

I got my box yesterday. Shipping to Canada takes forever… and ever.. oh wait for it… and ever. But eventually it always comes :D

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