“My student’s mother made me this tea. Disgusting. Blerghhh” Read full tasting note
I don’t know if it’s black or green.
Company description not available.
Chinese Red Coat (?) from 深蒸し茶
Red Pearls Chinese Black from The Tea Smith
Dried Red Chinese Jujube(Chinese Dates)Slices from ESGREEN
Chinese Breakfast from Rishi Tea
Chinese Hyson from Teaflection
Chinese Jasmine from G.H. Ford Tea Company
Creme de la Earl Grey from Tealuxe
Premium Taiwanese Assam from Whispering Pines Tea Company
Persian Choice Royal Earl Grey from Alvin’s of San Francisco
Taiwan Wild 'Shan Cha' Black Tea from What-Cha
Alice from Whispering Pines Tea Company
Lapsang Souchong from Fortnum & Mason