“Recently (as in last week!) Uniq Teas approached us – the SororiTea Sisters – and offered us three blends (one for each of us) … allowing us each to first create our own blend and then sent us our...” Read full tasting note
“I wanted to log this one because I did drink it but I am going to wait to give it an official tasting note when I can dedicate more time to fully explain. It’s much sturdier than I thought it...” Read full tasting note
“This had one teaspoon left I removed from the HH teabox! I was intrigued when I saw from the description it’s a CARAMEL chai. Wow does caramel chai sound like a nice blend! There weren’t many...” Read full tasting note
“From the LiberTEAS sampler I bought a while back After sniffing a whole bunch of the samples I settled on this one for my nightly brew – it smelled warm and spicy (which went quite nicely with the...” Read full tasting note
Sweet caramel notes are accented with a touch of spice and hint of almond. This is LiberTEAS blend.
Read more: http://www.uniqteas.com/products/sweet-and-sassy-sororitea#ixzz2DOJtLhNG
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