Organic African Sunset

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
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180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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  • “Sipdown (179)! Darn it – just as I finished my Mint Chocolate Rooibos review I saw that VariaTEA had managed to get in a few more teas tonight. This is my 14th cup of tea today, so I don’t think I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I thought I logged this one already but apparently I didn’t. Where this isn’t bad it isn’t memorable either. The taste is ok…typical Rooibos…but I really can’t taste anything else. I prefer it...” Read full tasting note
  • “Received some of this in a tea swap. I love rooibos, not a great fan of lemongrass, so I was curious about blending them. The overwhelming taste is rooibos, so that’s good. I got a definite...” Read full tasting note
  • “Eh, it was ok. Nothing in particular stood out. Wasn’t good, wasn’t bad. I finished the tea, even tried a second steeping. But it’s definitely not one I would buy. The strongest taste is the...” Read full tasting note

From two leaves and a bud

Rooibos, or red bush tea, is a great caffeine-free alternative. two leaves’ African Sunset brews up rich and lemony with just a hint of lemon grass tang to craft a sweet but interesting flavor. Rooibos is also high in anti-oxidants and trace minerals. Red Tea or more literally “red bush” only grows in South Africa where it has a spicy, somewhat astringent herbal flavor, which makes it a great tea alternative.

About two leaves and a bud View company

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8 Tasting Notes

16950 tasting notes

Sipdown (179)!

Darn it – just as I finished my Mint Chocolate Rooibos review I saw that VariaTEA had managed to get in a few more teas tonight. This is my 14th cup of tea today, so I don’t think I can do anymore after this one. Despite a competitive drive, I just don’t think I can manage. Oh well, hopefully a day surrounded by tea tomorrow will yield some more tasting notes.

Anyway, this tea is one of two teas my Dad and Step Mom owned prior to my coming down from vacation. It comes in pyramid satchets and though there’s no information on the ingredients in the packaging, visually it looks like it’s just red rooibos, lemon grass, and cornflower. It has a strong lemon grass smell. I didn’t have any while I was there, but I did take a single satchet home with me to try.

Steeped up in 8 oz. of boiling water for like six minutes? I lose track of time a bit. Steeped smell is strongly lemongrass. And, as far as the taste goes, it’s more just plain old grass…

Ok, maybe that’s a little harsh. It’s more like very wood chippy and kind of medicinal rooibos, lawn trimmings, and a squeeze of fresh lemon. Yeah – I think I was right to be harsh. It’s just not that good. I think I’m dumping most of this cup. Sorry Dad, but this is nasty – I’m glad I left some higher quality tea for you to enjoy.


ahahahaha I shall prevail!! I can do this all night :P By the way, I think I am now officially done adding to your package. Between my swaps going to you and Cavo, I feel happy with the amount of teas I have been able to decrease/get rid of so I won’t be adding more to either of your packages. I plan to go to the post office tomorrow to send them out and I can’t wait for you to receive them. I lost count of how many teas are in there but definitely over 20 (at least they are mostly sample sizes:P).

By the way, you should stop writing tasting notes and go to bed as you need to be bright eyed and bushy tailed for your new job tomorrow . Your job that surrounds you with tea. Plus, if you are asleep, I have more time to get ahead :P

Best of luck tomorrow.


You two are hilarious! :)

Roswell Strange

You’re right – I should go to sleep. Although, I don’t start until noon ;P


I have no class until Monday at 2:30! Nothing I got to do, nowhere I have to be. I am just going to drink cup after cup after cup. You won’t know what hit you!

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6768 tasting notes

I thought I logged this one already but apparently I didn’t. Where this isn’t bad it isn’t memorable either. The taste is ok…typical Rooibos…but I really can’t taste anything else. I prefer it cold or iced, actually…

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53 tasting notes

Received some of this in a tea swap. I love rooibos, not a great fan of lemongrass, so I was curious about blending them. The overwhelming taste is rooibos, so that’s good. I got a definite hint of the lemongrass in the smell, not so much in the taste. The rooibos wasn’t as strong or as “earthy” as some others I’ve tried, maybe that’s the lemongrass contribution.

A simple, pleasant cuppa before bed. I’ll enjoy the stash while it lasts, I doubt I’ll replenish the supply when it’s gone.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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45 tasting notes

Eh, it was ok. Nothing in particular stood out. Wasn’t good, wasn’t bad. I finished the tea, even tried a second steeping. But it’s definitely not one I would buy. The strongest taste is the rooibos.

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561 tasting notes

This is a really good rooibos tea and I love that it’s caffeine free.

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10 tasting notes

It is OK. Rather weak, but I might not have steeped it enough.

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5 tasting notes

rooibos tea makes me think of twigs. calm, pleasant twigs. i didn’t find this tea to have a particularly strong or distinct flavor, but i could taste the hint of lemongrass, which i enjoyed. a nice afternoon tea.

3 min, 30 sec

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34 tasting notes

I don’t know what it is about Rooibos teas, but I cannot stand them. This tea has a very distinct overwhelming licorice flavor. It’s too rich so that I can’t taste the “lemon grass tang” two leaves’ description claims (sorry guys). I wonder what other people think about this tea. Perhaps, I just don’t like rooibos.

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