Mystery tea! No info is available about this anywhere that I can find.
It’s one of the Todd & Holland black tea samples I ended up with, never before opened.
My guess is it is a darjeeling. A little because the dry leaves are big, coarse, and squiggly and a lot because if I plug in Wonder Tea to the Steepster search, a lot of darjeelings come up.
The leaves are browner than I tend to think of darjeeling leaves as being, but they have some big silver tips.
It steeps very light in color. Amber, or gold. It smells almost like a dark oolong, a sort of toasty, woody smell, but Todd & Holland says it’s a black tea.
It’s ok. I suppose I’m a little down on it because with a name like Wonder, I expected to be blown away. Or maybe I would have liked it better if I knew what it was and steeped it accordingly. Whatever. Maybe it will grow on me.
Flavors: Toasty, Wood