Matcha Latte Sipdown (200)
Taking a break from my alphabet teas to celebrate #matchamonday. Check out the pic here:
Thank you Roswell Strange for sending this one my way! It was one I was most excited for among the Three 6 Tea options so I held back on having it first. However, it seemed like a good one for today.
Three 6 Tea has a distinct caramel flavor which is very buttery. White chocolate it also buttery. So this is super buttery and sweet. It makes me think of the caramel popcorn matcha that Red Leaf Tea used to make, which is nice since I really enjoyed that. It is a little on the sweeter side for my tastes though and so I don’t know if I would buy this again. It’s got a smooth texture though and if you want a sweet caramel corn drink, this could be a good option.