If I’m being completely honest I think I probably would have bought this tea regardless of what the flavour was purely for the fact it’s based around my favourite Steven Universe song. Well, second favourite. Here Comes A Thought is my favourite, but I don’t believe Thesaurus has a tea themed around that one. They should, though…
Thankfully, the tea did actually sound appealing to me. The dry leaf aroma is sooo intensely anise heavy but there’s a hint of red fruit to it as well that gives it a little dimension. Steeped, it’s rich and very black licorice forward thanks to all the anise here. I love anise so it’s a welcome taste for me but I would definitely not recommend it to the licorice adverse. Pairing it with this almost pomegranate-like jammy red fruit note only adds to the richness as well. I’m digging it.
Lastly, I’m surprised how much cardamom comes through in taste since it doesn’t come through in aroma – but looking at the presence of this ingredient in the blend I probably shouldn’t be. It’s mostly very pine-y and camphorous, especially in the finish of the sip.
Mulling it over, this doesn’t really seem like a good fit for either the character of Pearl or for the song itself. I guess if I’m being generous the jammy quality of the fruit flavour could be appropriate since this SU episode begins with Steven and Connie eating jam and singing a jam related song. That feels like a stretch though.
Still a good cuppa, though!
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CjqwyAMuqqh/ (Third and fourth picture)
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGwbatx8gHQ
…and here’s the song the tea is based on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yG8caPPY1Y