Disappointed in this blend because I dont believe it lived up to its name or description. I am a huge lover of banana in tea. One of my all-time favorites, and a staple in my tea stash, is Banana Nut Bread from DAVIDsTEA. Anytime I see banana, I always try it. I was also intrigued by Whistling Kettle’s description of this tea, particularly the notes of graham cracker. It sounded really good. I used about 2 1/2 tsp (1 perfect spoonful) to my 12oz perfect mug (DT’s tea ware). I boiled some water and then let it sit for a few minutes and poured it in. I let this steep for about 6 mins. I literally can’t say that I tasted much of anything except for chamomile. To be fair, I think I’m coming down with a cold so my tastebuds may be dulled right now- but really it tasted like I was just drinking chamomile tea! :( this was super disappointing. however, i will play around with this blend and ill keep trying it since i have a bunch left.