Milk Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Not available
Floral, Smooth
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Mikansei
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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5 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Here’s Hoping TTB I love me a good milk oolong, so I’m always down to try a new brand. This one isn’t for me, though…not “milky” enough. The flavor is more floral than creamy. Pleasant enough, but...” Read full tasting note
  • “Here’s Hoping Teabox – Round Six – Tea #32 A tasting note to say “I drank this”, I guess. An okay oolong with tiny bundles. Not bad, not the best. The oolong was light on any “milk” though. No...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you to Skysamurai for including this in her Secret pumpkin package! I must admit that if I didn’t know it was a Milk Oolong I wouldn’t have been able to identify it as such. At all. It is a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Trying some of this from the Matcha TTB. The first thing I notice is an almost earthy grain taste, but it is gone before I can pin point it. This tea is smooth with a very light taste. I’m not a...” Read full tasting note

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5 Tasting Notes

986 tasting notes

Here’s Hoping TTB

I love me a good milk oolong, so I’m always down to try a new brand. This one isn’t for me, though…not “milky” enough. The flavor is more floral than creamy. Pleasant enough, but not what I’m looking for in a milk oolong.

Flavors: Floral, Smooth

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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4337 tasting notes

Here’s Hoping Teabox – Round Six – Tea #32
A tasting note to say “I drank this”, I guess. An okay oolong with tiny bundles. Not bad, not the best. The oolong was light on any “milk” though. No astringency but no unique flavor notes either.

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307 tasting notes

Thank you to Skysamurai for including this in her Secret pumpkin package!

I must admit that if I didn’t know it was a Milk Oolong I wouldn’t have been able to identify it as such. At all.

It is a smooth cup. With a light florally oolong fragrance, but nothing really in your face. No bitterness or astrincey that I could detect, although the recommended steep time is really long comparitive to what I usually brew an oolong (Rec: 5min. I brewed 1st steep @ 5min, 2nd @ 6min). I definately don’t get the creamy notes or the bready notes I’ve gotten from other Milk Oolongs, flavored or unflavored.

Just a mild and non offensive cup. But not much to remember either.

There’s a bunch of other teas I got in my Secret pumpkin package, BUT I just received the Here’s Hoping TTB R5 today and it is massive. I’ll probably be working on that for a bit until I get back to my Secret Pumpkin teas.

5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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1780 tasting notes

Trying some of this from the Matcha TTB.
The first thing I notice is an almost earthy grain taste, but it is gone before I can pin point it. This tea is smooth with a very light taste. I’m not a huge fan of oolongs, but I’m trying to understand them better. This one doesn’t captivate me, but is a nice cup none the less.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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1324 tasting notes

When the store clerk told me that no Milk Oolongs come without milk flavoring I should have stopped and bought a different tea but I couldn’t help it. It’s not as good as Davids but but steep time is long and the taste isn’t all that bad. I’ve only been able to get one steep out of the leaves.

4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp

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