White Celebration

Tea type
White Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Indigobloom
Average preparation
1 min, 30 sec

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  • “Have you ever had a tea you surprised by a tea, and couldn’t decide if you adored or hated it? When really hot, (as hot as white tea can get anyhow) that is where this cuppa was for me. The tea...” Read full tasting note

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1 Tasting Note

1764 tasting notes

Have you ever had a tea you surprised by a tea, and couldn’t decide if you adored or hated it?
When really hot, (as hot as white tea can get anyhow) that is where this cuppa was for me.
The tea itself is beautiful though. Safflower and Marigold petals, and some sort of red petal as well. and maybe fennel? I’d have to take a closer look. The liquor was a pale neon green/yellow.
Sadly, as it cooled, it turned into the soapiest, fake lemon kitchen cleaner concoction I have EVER had.
Wow. It even had that biting zing that soap imparts.
On a positive note, I managed to finish the cup and now have a bit of a tea high. Too much caffeine? ha! go figure. Too bad the gods themselves couldn’t convince me to steep this oddity again.

That said… After my glowing review, would anyone like to try the rest of my sample? it’s not for me, but there must be those out there who would enjoy it :)

1 min, 30 sec

hmmm… tempting but I’ll have to pass. :-P


lol I don’t blame you!!
lemon cleaner isn’t for everyone :D


I understand where you’re coming from, when I feel undecided about whether I like or dislike a tea, it usually ends up in the «neglected tea basket», a place where unfortunate teas never get to see the light of day ever again… great idea to give them a second life by putting them for adoption! Hope you find a new home for this one :-)


TeaFairy: exactly!! no sense keeping it around for that day I decide to give it a second chance, cuz it’s never gonna happen in this case haha.

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